Soil calculations.

Soil is a unique building material.

The soil – naturally evolving over millions of years of the Earth’s history – may be firm or soft, it may be rock or it may be clay. Whenever we build our structures on and in the soil, it becomes our building site. Depending on its texture and the history of its formation, the soil reacts to our structures – and they to it – in differing and non-linear ways.

For many special structures, accurately forecasting this interaction of structure and site is an exciting and challenging task which demands great experience.

Because every different soil is a unique building material.

Far more than a station roof.

Intercity Train Station

Frankfurt Airport

Frankfurt am Main

SUSE, lead the way.

Shield Machines

S-738, 746 - Constructional testing

Filder Tunnel, Stuttgart 21

An office building like an ocean liner.


Office Building


A big hole next to the Alster lake.

Cut & cover building pit

Europa Passage


A house with a stunning view over the Elbe.

Neumühlen No. 17

Office Building on the Polder


Heating for the city.

District Heating Tunnel

Deformation due to shield tunnelling

Hamburg-Moorburg to Altona


A practically forgotten relic.


Statics calculation


Berths for giants.

Harbour Expansion

New Building of Berths

Hamburg Altenwerder

Are they still watertight?

Southern Sülfeld Lock

Design of excavation pit

Wolfsburg Sülfeld

Keeping the port on track.

Predöhl Quay, Berth 3

Deformation calculations


Building on a historic site.


Building pit and pile foundation

Hamburg HafenCity

It starts in the earth.

Cut & cover building pit

Office Building Alsterufer 1-3


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